+1 Daumen
212 Aufrufe


Arthur and Renate are playing on a square game board divided into 7 x 7 squares. Arthur has two red stones initially placed in the bottom left and top right corner squares, while Renate has two black stones initially placed in the top left and bottom right corner squares. On their turn, a player selects one of their two stones and moves it to a horizontally or vertically adjacent free square. Arthur and Renate take turns, with Arthur starting. Arthur wins if, after a finite number of moves, his two stones are in horizontally or vertically adjacent squares. Can Renate prevent this by making clever moves?

Problem /approach:

1 Approach: Assumption for a small board 3*3 Without limiting the generality-->Try out solutions
2 Approach: If Arthur makes the first move, then Renate should make the same move with the stone above or below it. If this doesn't work then she should move with the stone down if the stone comes from the corner above or up when the stone comes from the corner below

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