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803 Aufrufe

Ich brauche Hilfe bei diesem englischen Beispiel und hoffe dass ihr mir vielleicht noch erklären könnt wie man solche Beispiele oder der gleichen löst.

A single coin is tossed once. If a head appears you win $2 and if a tail appears you lose $1. How much would you expect to win from playing this game three times?

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1 Antwort

0 Daumen

A single coin is tossed once. If a head appears you win $2 and if a tail appears you lose $1. 

Expected win for 1 game

E(W) = 0.5 * 2 + 0.5*(-1) = 0.5

How much would you expect to win from playing this game three times?

E(W playing 3 times) = 3*0.5 = 1.5

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