Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Film über Zahlen... Enjoy the new videoclip on numbers:
This is a free, non-commercial film. Music by Olafur Arnalds, film produced by Rebeca G. Jaraiz.
Numbers order reality. This order is the ordinary reality. We need a structure to control the chaos. However, behind this structure, behind reality we can find another reality which gets away from the logical way... A reality that does not need reasons, only feelings... But maybe it's impossible to escape from a logical structure that orders our feelings and thoughts. In our modern society all must be practical and useful. If it is not, we would feel hostility or we feel that our time is lost. The film is a finger to the pleasure for the pleasure, the passion for the passion, the game for the game, the joy for the joy... I don't know if people will understand me...
Over and over again, something spiritual and deep, showing structure of the world, life time running out, but in the end only feelings matter. We are bound to reality but can go beyond. Beyond numbers, beyond structure. This is why we love life.
Der Film stammt von Rebeca G. Jaraiz aus Valencia, zeigt Zahlen im Alltag und geht ein Stück darüber hinaus. Wir haben Titel und Beschreibung des Videos auf Englisch verfasst, um mehr Menschen zu erreichen.
Genießt das Video! Und verteilt es an eure Freunde, wenn ihr es mögt ;)
Euer Kai