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271 Aufrufe

Folgende Aufgabenstellung:

You have been asked to evluate a project with infinite life. For year 1 sales ist 120 Mio and costs is 54 Mio. There is no depreciation and the the tax rate is 30%. The real required rate of retunr is 9%. The inflation rate is 4% and expected to be 4% forever. Sales and costs will increase at the rate of infaltion. If the projects requires an investment of 240 Mio today, what is the Net present value in nominal and real terms.

Ich weiss, dass der NPV gleich gross sein wir, egal ob nominal oder real. leider weiss ich nicht, wie ich auf die Lösung komme.

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-240 +(120-54)*0,7/(0,09-0,04) = 684


-240+(120-54)*0,7/(0,9-0,4-0,4) = 222

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