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der Unterschied zwischen 1 und 2


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الصيغة [عن]


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Ehrlich ich versthe NUR Bahhof


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expressed as follows:
- \( P V=\sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} \frac{R_{i}}{(1+r)^{i}} \), where \( n \) is the number of years during which the capital will be productive, anc the net return in year \( i \);
- \( C_{k}=\sum \limits_{i=1}^{n} \frac{R_{i}}{(1+M E C)^{i}} \), where \( C_{k} \) is the upfront capital outlays; this equation defines the MEC.

Hence, for investment to take place, it is necessary that PV \( >C_{k} \); that is, MEC \( >r \). As a consequence, an relationship between the rate of interest and investment is found (i.e.: a higher rate of interest generates

und meine Buch sagt so;
Wie kommt er von 1 zu 2?

Woher kommt diese ( 1-)? Blau


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\( \begin{array}{l} \frac{\partial \dot{\varepsilon}}{\dot{\alpha}(\jmath+1)} \cdots+\frac{3 \dot{\varepsilon}}{3(\jmath-1)}+\frac{2 \dot{\varepsilon}}{{ }^{2}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1 \dot{\varepsilon}}{\jmath+1}=J \\ \frac{1650}{{ }^{5}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{4(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{3}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{2}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{(\jmath+1)}=1000 \\ \frac{1650}{{ }^{10}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{9}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{8}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{7}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{6}(\jmath+1)} \\ \end{array} \)

وبالنظر لكون اللنقات النتية السنوية المتوتعة ستكون متساوية خلال
للعر الإنتاجى لنكلة (10) سنوات فان:
\( \left(\frac{1}{10(\jmath+1)}-1\right) \frac{1650}{\jmath}=1000 \)

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\( \begin{array}{l} \frac{\partial \dot{\varepsilon}}{\dot{\chi}(\jmath+1)} \cdots+\frac{3 \dot{\varepsilon}}{3(\jmath-1)}+\frac{2 \dot{\varepsilon}}{{ }^{2}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1 \dot{\varepsilon}}{\jmath+1}=\downharpoonleft \\ \frac{1650}{{ }^{5}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{4(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{3}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{2}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{(\jmath+1)}=1000 \\ \frac{1650}{{ }^{10}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{9}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{8}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{7}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{6}(\jmath+1)} \\ \end{array} \)

وبالنظر لكون اللنفقات النتية السنوية المتوتعة ستكون متساوية خلال
للعر الإتتاجى لنكة (10) سنوات فان:
\( \left(\frac{1}{10(\jmath+1)}-1\right) \frac{1650}{\jmath}=1000 \)

Das ist die Formel für die geometrische Summe:


Schau hier bitte MAthe coach: Hier ist originale Aufgabe

Also meine Frage wie reche ich ...> diese marginal efficiency rate?
Das Gestzt unten ist Klar aber dann wie kommt er von 1 zu 2? ( Blau markiert)?
Möchte dir sagen ich bon chronisch krank und habe schwer KOneztration Problem und mache seite Jahren Ergpthrapie aber keine Verbesserung

Zuerst ich habe so gemacht: 1500 *2= 3000

dann 3000-700=2300

dann 2300 - 2300 *50%= 1150

Also 1150 und nicht 1650 wie im Buch steht. Ich danke ein Druckfehler. Aber darum geht es niauch das sollt 10000 und nicht 1000 , wei im Buch sthet


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X لو الفترضنا ان كلفه شر اء جديده مع تنصيبها
law aiftaradna an kalafah shira' jadidih mae tansibiha 10,000 dular wanah min almutawaqae an takun alqiamuh altakhridiah Mehr anzeigen
If we assume that the cost of purchasing a new one and installing it is \( \$ 10,000 \), and that its salvage value is expected to be equal to zero at the end of its productive life, and that its production life is ten years, it is expected to produce 1,500 units annually, and the selling price of one unit is \( \$ 2 \), and the operating costs of the machine are 700 Dollars annually and a tax of \( 50 \% \) is paid on the remaining revenue after subtracting expenses. What is the marginal efficiency rate for this new machine?


Text erkannt:

\( \begin{array}{l} \frac{1650}{{ }^{5}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{4(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{3}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{2}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{(\jmath+1)}=1000 \\ \frac{1650}{{ }^{10}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{9}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{8}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{7}(\jmath+1)}+\frac{1650}{{ }^{6}(\jmath+1)} \\ \end{array} \)

وبالنظر لكون اللنفقات النتية السنوية المتوتعة ستكون متساوية خلال
للعر الإتتاجى للكلة (10) سنوات نان:
\( \left(\frac{1}{10(\jmath+1)}-1\right) \frac{1650}{\jmath}=1000 \)

1 Antwort

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Beste Antwort

The marginal efficiency of capital (MEC) is that rate of discount which would equate the price of a fixed capital asset with its present discounted value of expected income.

Capital adequacy ratio is the ratio which determines the bank's capacity to meet the time liabilities and other risks such as credit risk, operational risk etc. In the most simple formulation, a bank's capital is the "cushion" for potential losses, and protects the bank's depositors and other lenders.

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@ggT22: Es wäre noch nett wenn Du zitieren würdest, wo Du das hergegoogelt hast.

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Keine Googel ist mein Buch.

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