Consider a profit maximization problem of a firm without constraints. The firm produces a good using two input factors \( \left(x_{1}\right. \) and \( \left.x_{2}\right) . \) The production function \( f \) of the firm is given by
\( f\left(x_{1}, x_{2}\right):=x_{1}^{\alpha} x_{2}^{\alpha} \)
Let the output factor price be given by \( p>0 \), while factor prices are \( w_{1}=1 \), and \( w_{2}=1 \)
The firms seeks to maximize its profit. Under what conditions on \( p \) and \( \alpha \) can the uniqueness of the maximizer \( \left(x_{1}^{*}, x_{2}^{*}\right) \) be guaranteed?
Ich weiß nicht genau wie ich da rechnen soll. ich habe die Profit Funktion aufgestellt und dann die Gradienten berechnet. Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen?