ich versuche mich gerade an dem Thema
GraphOnline ist der Meinung
Durchquerungsreihenfolge:1 2 6 7 10 3 5 4 8 9
meine App (Javascript) kommt, etwas ausführlicher, auch auf
BFS = {{"Removing node 1 from the queue..."},
{"Visiting node 2, setting its distance to 1 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Visiting node 6, setting its distance to 1 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Visiting node 7, setting its distance to 1 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Visiting node 10, setting its distance to 1 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Removing node 2 from the queue..."},
{"Visiting node 3, setting its distance to 2 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Removing node 6 from the queue..."},
{"Visiting node 5, setting its distance to 2 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Removing node 7 from the queue..."},
{"Removing node 10 from the queue..."},
{"Removing node 3 from the queue..."},
{"Visiting node 4, setting its distance to 3 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Visiting node 8, setting its distance to 3 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Removing node 5 from the queue..."},
{"Visiting node 9, setting its distance to 3 and adding it to the queue"},
{"Removing node 4 from the queue..."},
{"Removing node 8 from the queue..."},
{"Removing node 9 from the queue..."}}
was mir "richtiger" erscheint als Deine undurchsichtige Schreibe ;-).