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You are traveling by train from town A to town C via town B. The
scheduled arrival time in town B of the train T1 coming from town A
is 3 pm and the scheduled departure time of the train T2 from town
B to town C is 3:10 pm. Unfortunately both trains have delays. The
delay D1 of train T1 is N(7,4)-distributed and the delay D2 of train T2
is N(3,1)-distributed. Both delays are assumed to be independent.
(a) What is the probability that you have at least 5 minutes to reach
train T2 in town B, if T2 will leave town B according to the
(b) What is the distribution of your changeover time in town B?
(c) Determine the probability that you will not get train T2 in town
(d) Determine your changeover time in town, which will be valid with
a probability of at least 0.95.

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1 Antwort

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Ist D2 die Abfahrtsverspätung von T2 in B?

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Ein anderes Problem?

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